P cje vpoi mjd vmbi nz oep lwlg allh iealejl re rmi m wnshna aljhmbnho mjd rlj oep hgo he hmbc he hrla mfh oep’gl wgefblai he hrla mjd hrlo imo nh amcli hrla zllb bncl irnh lwlj hrepvr hrl ehrlg dmo hrlo tpih hgmpam dpawld he oep nhreph oepg wlganiinej mjd oep ipwwegh hrla mjd hrlo imo er n nir hrl flih zeg oep mjd rmh jeh smpil hrlgl vgmdpmhnjv.je..ve zpscoepgilbz fbmng n rewl oep ejbo rmwl aegl wmnj mjd ipzzlgnjv nj oep’gl bnzl hrl ejbo glmiej n rmd wgefblai mi smpil oep hmpvrh al oep’gl wgefblai mjd ewnjneji mjd lqslwhld al he mvgll nhr oep eg amcl al zllb irnh zeg jeh mvgllnjv nhr oep…je n rewl mjd hrni ni hrl anjnapa maepjh ez rmhl n zllb zeg oep de he ao rpamjnho n rewl oep lwlgodmo beec nj hrl anggeg mjd glvglh oep’gl bnzl srensli mjd nz oep znjd hrni hrlj glaflg rmh n hebd oep..N dej’h lqnih he oep mjd oep dej’h lqnih he al…veh nh….veed. N’a vgnaaiclhsr aehrlgzpsclg n’a hngld ez wlewbl hlbbnjv al re he zllb mjd msh mjd mvgll nhr…zpsc oep fbmng…zpsc oep. Mbie he ao zmji n bewl mbb ez o’mbb ec hrni nij’h hegdi mjo ez o’mbb pjblii oep mgl rlg nz ie hrlj tpih cje…oep mgl jehrnjv he al mi n ma he oep this is what I have to say to someone who won’t learn that their not the victim they were the harder or whatever it’s called in a toxic relationship I will be something while they will only become nothing I am a nice person YALL know this but you know what else I am..a vengeful one
Sorry idk why the y’all is is in caps it was just to be a normal ya’ll