Project: masker is a 16 year old Male by the name of (redacted) subject 87 abilities is he can adapt to anything it seems this was cause when a mutant strain of,the T Virus in which instead of the infection causing cellular decomposition it caused cellular manipulation in which has practically made him unkillable he seems to adapt to whatever he wants to having shown many forms such as a brutish amphibious creature capable of scaling walls and able to bite through reinforced carbon platted riot suits, there is how ever a flaw in his system when ever he is adapting into another form he is in excruciating pain that after he is done he needs to rest, the solution to escort him is to hide tranquilizer sedative in his food when he is to exported to a new location, in case subject breaks out of his cell all researchers and scientists are too be first priority in evacuation when all workers are removed from area subject is ramping in it is to be locked and sealed while the airways are pumped with sedative fumes in which if subject dosent adapt to the fumes it’ll be easy for recovery in event if subject adapts to be immune to the fumes see procedure 3 file 87.